Monday, October 11, 2010

They Hate Us Because of the Tuxedo

It was only a matter of time before the Tux lead to our downfall.

Another Non-traitor in the Rott Pantheon of "Article 3? What's that??"

"I am a traitor to America because my religion requires me to be one...... I am terrifically proud to be a part of such a religion and what Muslim wouldn’t?......... The most important of these obstacles today is obviously America. It is America who has her military and intelligence bases spread throughout our lands in order to help protect their client governments from Muslims who work for Islam’s establishment. It is America who has killed millions of Muslims around the world and is able to get away with it wearing a tuxedo."


Tecumseh said...

I was about to officially become a traitor of the country I grew up in for most of my life.

Naahhh, says Rot. There is a basic axiom of Rotter Logick, and some corollaries and exceptions that we should be aware of.

Rotter Axiom. Given any two statements A and B, A is equivalent to B.

Corollary. Since clearly the statement "0=0" is true, all other statements are true, including "0=1", or "0\ne 0".

Exception: The statement "Article 3, Section 3 actually has some meaning" is false: it never applies.

We should write a book about Rotter Logick.

Mr roT said...

He's raving. Get the tuxedo with the long sleeves and buckles.