Assange's leaked data has done more to undermine Pepelandia's shibboleths of the last 10 years than all the objective evidence of those being myths peasants like us, and much sharper peasants than us, could dish out. After all, Julian is absolutely their Horse's Ass; actually is Versailles enough to not even bother to think about how all the shit he disposes makes Versailles look very very very bad. The Ululation of the Pepe is such a self-defeating, stupid, bleating.
As for da Rotter, having joined with Mikey Moore with his little Latinate lust for El Castrato, even the object of his lust understands what a mountain of merda is Cuba.
Sing, castrato boy!
Nah. It's an illusory priority claim on der Rotter's part. Though pointing to the same article, AA's title and comments are much better. I think that, as an impartial referee, I am owed two pints of porter at John Harvard's - one by each. Fair is fair.
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