Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tecs embraces Hegelian dialectic


Tecumseh said...

Thesis → antithesis → synthesis. You gotta learn those basic implications, Herr Rott. Otherwise, you'll be stuck with measuring trenches. As in, Babylonian math.

Mr roT said...

The triads are some funny shit.

This moronic superstition is highly regarded by some intelligent nitwits, eh?

Tecumseh said...

The Rotter triad:

Thesis: The pre-Big-Bang singularity (the Universal Wavefunction before its Big-Bang collapse into particles of matter).

Antithesis: Particles of matter. The Universal Wavefunction is decohered by the "heat of crystallization," released when the particles "crystallize" out of the vacuum at the moment of the Big Bang.

Synthesis: The universe is cooling as it expands, so that the Universal Wavefunction becomes gradually restored. When the temperature of the universe decreases to a certain threshold, all matter Bose-condenses—becomes governed by the restored Universal Wavefunction.

Mr roT said...

Wow! Hegel knew all that!

But did he know from Higgs bundles?

Tecumseh said...

He even knew of gerbes of Higgs bundles.