Saturday, December 18, 2010

The most qualified, probably


Tecumseh said...

Aahhh, Hahvahd...

Arelcao Akleos said...

This is happening to Harvard on a regular basis now. Frauds to Harvard is like coals to Newcastle; lotsa of their own kind to hide amongst

Mr roT said...

It's a matter of the definition of "fraud" I guess.

Tecumseh said...

Coals to Newcastle? Tsk, tsk, tsk, AA. On this board, we say, cucumbers to the gardener.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Fraud: Harvard Guy [examples; Obamakles, Edward Kennedy, Al Gore, Poor Mr. Wheeler, A Swarm of Professors Stealing their Grad Students Work for Themselves, Mr. Summers, Fulbright, Halfbright, Quarterbright, Octobright,....]

It ain't hart to find those coals in Newcastle, Brother

Arelcao Akleos said...

Tecumseh, does Cucumbers to the Gardener have quite the same oily connotations?

Tecumseh said...

No, just watery. Ask Mr Rot, he's an expert in sayings, by now. (Took him a long time to absorb them.)

Mr roT said...

What Tecs says here is all true. I am now authorized to make up my own well-known Romanian sayings.

For example, I made up "If you're so smart, then why are you so stupid?" and all Romanians know about it and use it all the time.

Also, I analyzed and codified Tecsian logic, the underpinning of which is the true proposition "A implies B for all A" where B is any of a number of Tecsian idees fixes.

Tecs of course tried to retaliate against me for understanding so well his mind by claiming that Rotter logik exists but of course, his version is subsumed by mine in that Rotter logik is just Tecsian logic with B="Rot is wrong."

Incidentally, Tecsian logic includes the proposition that the planets' orbits are polygons. In this case B=\CD.

Mr roT said...

Incidentally, this Tecsian proposition follows from

A implies B for all A.

One takes A = {}, B = (C & ¬C).

A great power of Tecsian logic is that one never needs check A to apply modus ponens.

Tecumseh said...

What does modus ponens have to do with selling cucumbers to the gardener?

Only in Rotter Logick. Only there.

As for polygons: fix two points (call them, if you want, foci). Take a piece of rope, fix the ends at those two points, and pinch the rope somewhere in the middle. OK, got a 3-gon, Herr Rot? Fine. Now trace out a curve by moving around your finger pinching the rope. What do you think you get, Herr Johannes?

Mr roT said...

I made up the saying "taking cucumbers to the gardener."

Tecumseh said...

You made that up, that's for sure. The correct saying is "selling cukes, etc", not "taking cukes, etc". You only take coals to Newcastle. That's another saying.

Mr roT said...

One could attempt to sell imported coals to Newcastle equally nonsensically, but of course "A" could stand for my saying that, from which, with Tecsian logic, one could infer that I am wrong.

Tecumseh said...

Got that. A => (Rot wrong), \forall A. I like that axiom. I will adopt it.