Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Even Tecsian logic can appreciate this

If you elect a callow shithead of privilege, you get missiles in your arse.


Tecumseh said...

Is this purported cause-and-effect a bit too simplistic, Herr Rot? Kind of like Newtonian mechanics. You know, polygons explaining ellipses -- kind of too difficult to explain with \lesssims.

You need to acquire some nuance. That's the ticket.

Mr roT said...

Tecsian logic gets bollocksed up with the simplest things.

Tecumseh said...

Like with, A=>B=>(non A). Of course, if you replace \Rightarrow with \lesssim (whatever that, means). then anything becomes possible.

Mr roT said...

The Queen's comma: (...whatever that, means).

Pay up.