Monday, June 13, 2011

Rush psycho-babbles Weiner

Who, what kind of women has Anthony Weiner been around his whole life? He has been around a bunch of these kinds of women that have been attacking testosterone, who have been attacking traditional male roles. He had been around women who the idea of a real guy is some metrosexual. Is it any wonder ladies and gentlemen – I wonder if it occurs to Claire Shipman or Torie Clarke that Weiner did what he did because he’s been surrounded with them like them for his whole adult life.

So what is Rush saying? That pinko feminazis are castrating harridans? Or something?


Mr roT said...

Seems to me that it means that Tony da Tuna knew how to play the dumbshits.

Tecumseh said...

How about Huma? Didn't take care of him enough?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Oh the Huma-nity!