Monday, June 13, 2011

Tecs would call him a quitter inre Fallujah...


Tecumseh said...

Not a quitter (like some Rottergirl I know of), but not Scipio (or William Tecumseh) either. All in all OK, though.

Mr roT said...

Sherman a military genius on the level of Scipio?

This comment will go down in FCP history.

Tecumseh said...

The issue was not the level of military sophistication. But rather, the level of military ruthlessness. Good ole Tecs was ruthless, allright. Not the same can be said of Petraeus. Certainly not at Fallujah.

Got it now?

Mr roT said...

It's a matter as in all things of getting it right. I don't think ruthlessness is always the right way to fight a war.

I also don't think being a pussy works.

In media stat virtus, as Scipio might say.

Of course, Carthage seems to have taken a fairly Atlanta-like hit...