Saturday, October 08, 2011

Aahhh, the French

But gauche and droite is different from left and right. Translated to American politics, the policy difference between the Socialist party and the National Front is roughly equivalent to the distance between a Democratic congressman from California and a Blue Dog congressman from West Virginia. With Charly as Nancy?


Charly said...

The political spectrum starts on the left with complete nut cases way to the left of anything in the USA.
Their platform includes abolition of private property, confiscation of all means of production for the benefit of the state (nationalizations), identical pay for all etc... Stalinists without Gulag (if that bit is part of the plan, they don't advertise it). This is from the likes of Olivier Besancenot
who has several clones: Arlette Laguiller and others. They are politically irrelevant because of their fragmentation but they could reach a couple of % points if they joined forces.

On the right, the big issues relate more to immigration than economics so I don't know where that fits on your spectrum. We are fortunate that there isn't much debate on social issues such as abortion, death penalty, etc...

Charly said...

Wiki actually has Besancenot @ 4% for the last 2 elections. scary.

Tecumseh said...

From Wiki: One poll showed Besancenot's approval rating to be at 47%, far exceeding two of the main candidates for the PS leadership, Royal (35%) and François Hollande (31%).

This statistic tells all you need to know about the French political spectrum.

Charly said...

Polls at 47% and 4% vote says more about the pollster's skills than about the political spectrum.

Tecumseh said...

It could just mean that 47% of Frenchmen are sympathetic to a fringe Commie guy, though only 4% would actually pull the lever for him in a pinch...

Charly said...

Admittedly, Besancenot is more fun to listen to than the 2 wet socialist noodles you mentioned. But he is seriously deranged and in a way that more than 53% of the population would notice: it's the pollster. (Or he edited his own wiki page).

Tecumseh said...

Nah. Here is an old poll, and here is the relevant poll.

Now, as to whether French pollsters know how to count beans: who knows. Ain't rocket science, though.

Tecumseh said...

The criticism of him just goes to show, as Le Figaro newspaper put it, that in France “there is always someone to the left of you”.

Oh, duh. It's the Archimedean Axiom for the French.

Tecumseh said...

To spite Rot (who has joined the Elisabeth Warren campaign), Charly joins the National Front.