Monday, October 17, 2011

Bottom story of the day


Tecumseh said...

Better story. AA smiles. Rot weeps.

Arelcao Akleos said...

This downright deserved its own post..oh well.

Tecumseh said...

Sorry, I was in a rush this morning. But feel free to expound on this story elsewhere. Does it have legs?

Tecumseh said...

Floriduh: It's a Romney-Cain two-way race now. Perry is reduced to an asterisk.

That's what happens when you follow the Rotter game plan. Tautologically.

Mr roT said...



Tecumseh said...

If you bothered to read what I said, it was: it's now a 2-way race in Florida between Romney and Cain. If you bothered to click on the link, here are the polls as of now down there: Romney 32.6%, Cain 30.2%, Gingrich 11.7%, Perry 2.9% (at the level of an asterisk, as I said).

Now, why are you laughing out loud?

Mr roT said...

Well, now I am laughing because you bothered to explain.

If we keep iterating this, maybe it will go periodic. Want to give it a try, Mr Anosov?

Tecumseh said...

I still don't know what you're trying to say. If saying something still means something to you, Mr Derrida.

Mr roT said...

If you don't see the hilarity of Cain and Romney's being taken seriously for the job of president of the United States, I think there's not a lot to build on.

Where did we dig up those douches anyway?

Tecumseh said...

"We"? I thought you're outta the US now. How can you really connect to the scene here, except vicariously? My feel is that you're starting to lose track by now. It's human nature, I guess.

Mr roT said...

I lost track?

That's rich! You're a fiscal conservative for socialized medicine (that's already underwater in a tiny, well-run state) and a conservative Christian for
Mormon -(ism?).

(How the hell do you even say it??)

Seems you haven't got hold of Rush's idea that words have meanings.

Tecumseh said...

As usual, your chain of logical implications is completely flawed. Take, for instance, the following statements:

(1) Tecs supports candidate X in the primaries.

(2) Candidate X happens to be a member of religion Y.

What Mr Rot, through the marvels of his patented "Logick", infers from those two statements is that

(3) Tecs supports religion Y.

Try using this kind of logical implication when you submit a paper to the Annals. Or to Podunk J. of Lesssims. And see what the referee says.