Versailles can now piss Bleu-ly upon the redneck peasants with a mere push of a button. Pepe rows his boat merrily down the River Charly, his life is but a dream.
You underestimate Chicago. The baseball bats are to keep the Party in Line through a healthy terror of Da Capo. But killing a Republic through the art of rigged elections, so that a facade of integrity impressive enough to confuse the casual onlooker remains, is an art that always makes use of the best available technology. The Dead and the Dem vote so much more efficiently when its all been reduced to byte size easy bits. It is Chicago With a Human Face.
Chicagoans wouldn't bother with remotes and computers when baseball bats work just as good.
You underestimate Chicago. The baseball bats are to keep the Party in Line through a healthy terror of Da Capo. But killing a Republic through the art of rigged elections, so that a facade of integrity impressive enough to confuse the casual onlooker remains, is an art that always makes use of the best available technology.
The Dead and the Dem vote so much more efficiently when its all been reduced to byte size easy bits.
It is Chicago With a Human Face.
It seems so innocuous when an Assange - equiv fruityhacker is at the other end.
I suppose either faction has its baseball bats.
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