Monday, October 17, 2011

Five years ago, Mr Rot used to have

.. some genuine insights. Oh my, how times have changed. Two years later, he would be egging on a lethargic Mac to be even more obsequious and inconsequential in his desultory campaign. And now, he's come around, full circle, cussing and mocking anyone who dares challenge The One.


Arelcao Akleos said...

He knows that The One is a Wiener...Duh.

Tecumseh said...

Or, perhaps, too much time spent eating wienerschnitzels and sipping chablis has made him appreciate the suave charms of Pepea?

Arelcao Akleos said...

sipping Chablis would be more symptom than cause.

Charly said...

The day he betrayed red bull and coors lite, you just knew he was lost.

Tecumseh said...

And deep dish pizza. Not to mention all those shit tacos left behind by Pepe when he high-tailed.

Now Rot is twirling his thumbs in pinko nirvana, au frais de la contesse, pontificating on how stooopid those benighted Ricains are. Congratulations, Charly, you have an eager convert to the cause.

Charly said...

Deep dish - that's the pizza for those who understand that not wanting your arteries clogged is just gay, right?