Saturday, October 08, 2011

MIT builds the Coanda sub

MIT has overcome the mathematical impossibility through both its innovative design as well as something called the Coanda effect. So what is this miraculous Coanda effect the company has employed? It is a phenomenon where a jet flow attaches itself to a nearby surface and remains attached even when the surface curves away from the direction of the initial jet flow. Run a stream of water over the underside of a spoon and watch as the water follows the curve instead of dropping straight down – that’s the Coanda effect. [..] Preliminary market research, carried out by MIT, suggests worldwide sales of the vehicle may go beyond 1 million units. MIT is seeking investors to fund the building of a prototype UV before establishing manufacturing facilities. Once in production, MIT expects to produce 10,000 vehicles a year.


Mr roT said...

Where's the Tecs' fruity vehicles label?

Tecumseh said...

Ach, so. You're seething already. Good.