Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One. Weird. Creep.

It was clear when Romney went red-on-red that he's only in this for himself, America be fucked. This was obvious to me before too, but perhaps blind Tecs will see it now. I am not holding my breath.


Tecumseh said...

And the point is?

Mr roT said...

If you don't get the point, then I don't see the point in explaining it to you.

Tecumseh said...

I sort of see what you're trying to say, but those are just random conjectures, not supported by evidence. When you have a solid point to make, beam me up, and I'll listen. But be prepared to draw a diagram, and explain why it commutes. No \lesssims allowed.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Romney is like Bloomberg. The Republican Party was his shortcut to the frontier of American politics.
His heart ain't in anything but the grandeur that is Romney.

Mr roT said...

A fruity grandeur.