Monday, October 10, 2011

President Hopey the Sad Clown

How long was it ago that I predicted SCROTUS would bail on his first real job without retarded cheerleaders singing backup? I think it was a long time ago but I was wrong in that SCROTUS looks like he'll bail on his first real job with retarded cheerleaders singing backup.
You never know just how low to estimate a lefty.


Tecumseh said...

A bock of honey ale would cure the blues. Of course, Mr Rot would need to buy it.

Mr roT said...

Cerveza para maricas.

Tecumseh said...

Does this mean you'll buy a bock of the concoction?

Mr roT said...

Bock yeah.

Tecumseh said...

You talking about the Romanian composer?

Mr roT said...

He invented the jet engine, right? Or was it the valve trumpet?

Tecumseh said...

It's a she -- name is Berta. Reading is essential, Mr Rot.

As to the question: Berta Bock was from Sibiu, the town where Hermann Oberth invented the rocket. Why don't you go visit his museum in Bavaria, and learn about it?