Sunday, October 09, 2011

The Problem With Judge Pepe in the Badgering State

is that he thinks he is living in Versailles.

It is not the question of whether there is a constitutional "right" to drink milk from cows you own, the question is whether Government has a constitutional right to prevent citizens from drinking milk from the cows they own.
Now, Pepe, go ahead, read the Constitution..

Oh, yeah, Versailles Needs No Stinking Facts. My bad, sorry, piss away that gold, you Might Bleu.


Tecumseh said...

"Plaintiffs argue that they have a fundamental right to possess, use and enjoy their property and therefore have a fundamental right to own a cow[..] They argue that they have a fundamental right to privacy to consume the food of their choice for themselves and their families[..]" the judge wrote.

Mais non, mais non. What do you think this is -- a free country? Versailles is not amused. Let them eat Kraft singles.

Arelcao Akleos said...

As a peasant, I have eaten my unhappy fill of Kraft singles....
...yet there they lie ahead on my future plate, right beside the shit tacos.

Charly said...

AA - they can fuck their cows for all i care.

Arelcao Akleos said...

But Planet Pepe very much.

Charly said...

We're litterally losing sleep over this important issue. Don't rub it in.