Saturday, October 08, 2011

The retard state games the system.

GOPers end up with Obama II.


Mr roT said...

Yes we were. Before the dumb states gamed the system last time, the \inf was Hillary.

How's SCROTUS workin out for ya, Tecs?

Tecumseh said...

Very little to do with that, but rather, with the inept, Rotter-conceived campaign that Mac ran. But of course, you'll never take responsibility for that cosmic failure...

Mr roT said...

Campaigns shouldn't matter so much that an educated electorate elect a zero like POTUS.

This is a mass failure of culture. Read Steyn.

The rot is pervasive and you blame some marketing shithead.

Arelcao Akleos said...

McCain was not even John Majors. He's Cameron. The Left destroys, and then the Rotter Right pauses for some schnapps and schnitzel, and then kindly asks the Left to please smile now and then to make Destruction a little more pleasant.

Mr roT said...

AA, methinks that Tecs is a Romney supporter.

Yes, I thought such a thing impossible in nature, but there's a lot of lead in the water in Massachusetts.

Tecumseh said...

Steyn: I posted his column (one of his best, methinks) already. VCP.

Romney: Not really a "supporter". More like, I keep pointing out he's the default value, warts and all, and challenging you to bring up someone better (I'd love to). I'm sure there are some such, but we're not talking hypothetical now -- not at this rather late stage of the game. It's put up or shut up time.

Mr roT said...

I am desperately hoping someone decent will show up. Romney is worse than McCain by any measure.

Tecumseh said...

You're still hung up on that hopey-changey stuff? Grow up, willya?

No, Romney is better than Mac:

* No "Mr Maverick" bullshit.
* Understands economics.
* Can speak in coherent sentences.

Far from ideal, but still, better than what we had in 2008 -- which clearly was the weakest candidate since Dole in 1996, and perhaps even Willkie in 1940.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The whole problem with the GOP is that the establishment thinks Romney is the default option. Even worse, they think 'default' is "Best". Just as they did with George Bush, back in 1980, when that redneck Reagan monkey actor idiot started to get the peasants all hipped up.
They are exactly like the Tories who did their best [and succeeded] to weed out any members of their party who stank of the possibility of being like Thatcher. All while paying lip service to the Memory of her era.

In many ways, what I've seen of Cain has impressed me....But he has no direct political experience whatsoever.

In many ways what I saw of Palin impressed me.....But she chose to leave active government when the going got tougher, and active seeking of office when the going got tougher. Not good. Folks going repeately UA when the going gets tough can be relied upon not to be reliable upon.

But, then, what experience did Romney have when he became Governor? As for his experience while Governor, his 'statecraft' is building up the NHS here by The River Charles in remarkable quicktime.

Arelcao Akleos said...

As of now, although it probably won't matter, my vote goes to Cain.

Just perhaps he can whack Obamakles de un-Abel.

Mr roT said...

GOPer that foists state health insurance on everyone isn't mavericky, he's below that.

I would prefer the dishonesty of a maverick to the honest sell-out that Romney is.