Friday, October 14, 2011

Romney's way of looking like a real GOPer is to buy one

Doomed. We're doomed if this weird metro is the only surviving "conservative," and I told you guys all along that he was a fake. Good news is that he can pay for his own hair gel.
More conservative cred and the new philosophical coherence.
REGURGE for Rush who has had enough of the ideological lessons coming from Mitt's wusses in Brooks Bros.


Tecumseh said...

Already posted (see the Coanda link). But of course, Mr Rot can't be bothered to click on links anymore, upset as he is that his bumbling Texas pretty boy flopped.

Pay up.

Barone is more level-headed. Duh.

Mr roT said...

Yes it was good luck for him that GOPers don't know what conservatism is about anymore.

Now it consists of

1) Occasionally mouthing some bullshit about Reagan.

2) Not being Obama while having identical political views.

Tecumseh said...

Herr Rot, Herr Rot (said in a guttural Rooskie accent): you need to relax. Take a deep breath, do some yoga. Have a bottle of Barrollo. Eat some gorgonzola. Try to enjoy life. You seem in a dark mood. ¿Que pasa, compadre?

Mr roT said...

You mean gorggonzollla!


Tecumseh said...

I see you linked to Rushbo to buttress your argument. He's good, yes. But how come all of a sudden you appeal to his authority? I vividly remember how year after year you mocked him as a yahoo. Try to be consistent, willya? Like me. Rocked-ribbed Mr Conservative, they call me.

Mr roT said...

He's a slow guy out there just to stir up the rubes, but he can be right in the stopped clock fashion.

Tecumseh said...

Caught you with your pants down! Pay up now.