Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sleep with dogs and you get fleas. Shocka.

Even Ann Coulter is reduced to a stammering, slobbering, hedging idiot while trying to defend Tecs' dream candidate.


Tecumseh said...

RomneyCare. Bad. Sure. Old story. Duh.

Tell me something fresh, willya?

Mr roT said...


Yeah, Perry should say he's shocked, shocked that anyone would distrust Mormons, or Muslims for that matter.

It's just un-Christian.

Tecumseh said...

I never understood what you have against Mormons. Really. It's something that just doesn't make sense to me, either theoretically, or practically. OK, maybe theologically, but is this what we're arguing here?

Tecumseh said...

PS: Today at intrade: Romney 63.8%, Perry 14.2%, Cain 9.9%. IT'S ALL AMERICA'S FAULT!!! says Mr "Out of the Mainstream" Rot.

Tecumseh said...

Christie bitch-slaps Perry, who insists on going the Rotter route. Sleep with the dogs, and all that jazz.

Mr roT said...

435 copies of Barney Frank.