As voters begin to focus on Obama’s opponent, which candidate’s style might be most appealing? Both are good-looking politicians — Romney skewing more Ralph Lauren, Perry the traditional Marlboro Man. [..] There was a moment, however, in last week’s debate that, to me, indicated that Romney could have the edge with women in the long run. During the candidate question-and-answer session, while most of the others unsuccessfully tried to ding Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts took his question to Michele Bachmann. At a table full of men, Romney, very politely, very charmingly, asked for a woman’s input. And, even more important, he listened intently, without a hint of condescension, while she answered his question. In other words, he treated an attractive and articulate woman like an equal.
Powww!!! Rot's mind explodes! Romney/Bachmann in 2012 anyone?
All fruits. Tecs is the last one surprised.
"Fruits" make girls swoon? Hmmm... Yet another gem of Rotter Logick.
Countering the standard Rotter caricature:
when she [Bachmann] knows a topic, she really knows it. Her answer on the causes of the financial meltdown was as good, and understandable, an exposition of an issue as compelling as any we've seen during the series of debates (with the exception of Herman Cain's explanation a few weeks back about exactly why Obamacare would have made it more difficult to recover from cancer): "It was the federal government that pushed the subprime loans. It was the federal government that pushed the Community Reinvestment Act. It was Congressman Barney Frank and also Senator Chris Dodd that continued to push government-directed housing goals. They pushed the banks to meet these rules. And if banks failed to meet those rules, then the federal government said we won't let you merge, we won't let you grow. There's a real problem, and it began with the federal government, and it began with Freddie and Fannie. If you look at these secondary mortgage companies which the federal government is essentially backing 100 percent, they put American mortgages in a very difficult place…."
Of course, Rot thinks all GOPers are either "fucktards", or "retards", or "fruits", or whatever. This is what passes for political commentary in this day and age, at least among certain people. I think I was better at it in grade school.
The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on. An old proverb.
He-man on Planet Tecs.
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