Counterpoint: Cain says it's not worth his while going after der Rotterman. Ouchhh! That must hurt.
Counter-counterpoint: Perry states the obvious: Northeast Republicans are sticking together. Damn right! It's Boston vs Houston, big time. Prepare the Stone IPA and the popcorn for tonight.
Adding insult to injury: The other notable thing in these numbers is how much Rick Perry's image has tanked in the last month. Only 23% of voters now have a favorable opinion of him to 57% with a negative one. That -34 favorability spread is worse than the -30 we found for Sarah Palin at 32/62 the last time we polled on her nationally, in August. He's at an amazingly bad 16/62 with independents. Obama can only hope that Perry makes some sort of comeback in the next few months- it may be his only path to reelection.
Hmmm... Maybe that's why Mr Rot is rooting for Perry?
I kind of like Palin. If only she had a better voice, though. And not that much of a chip on her shoulder about the media attacking her family or whatnot. And not having quit her job. Otherwise, she's OK.
The grass is always greener elsewhere. C'mon, man up, you gotta play the hand you're dealt.
Reminds me of late 2007, early 2008, when Herr Rot was all gaga after Rudy (who, by the way, together with Mac was running to the left of Mitt, lest we forget). I kept telling Mr Rot at the time that Rudy is a quitter, not a tough campaigner. He never believed me. Then Rudy folded. To this day, Mr Rot never conceded he was pushing the weak horse. And then, of course, he started pulling for Mac. The weakest GOP candidate in a generation. Figures.
Not worth bothering with Tecs, as usual.
Αἴσωπος wrote a fable on this subject.
Update: 64% versus 14%.
I'll do the math for you, Mr Rot: that's a 50% spread. With no \lesssims and assorted gimmicks.
4 more years of Obama, courtesy of Tecs.
Bullshit. Check out these polls, before issuing pronunciamentos divorced from reality.
Another poll to make Rot seethe.
Adding insult to injury: The other notable thing in these numbers is how much Rick Perry's image has tanked in the last month. Only 23% of voters now have a favorable opinion of him to 57% with a negative one. That -34 favorability spread is worse than the -30 we found for Sarah Palin at 32/62 the last time we polled on her nationally, in August. He's at an amazingly bad 16/62 with independents. Obama can only hope that Perry makes some sort of comeback in the next few months- it may be his only path to reelection.
Hmmm... Maybe that's why Mr Rot is rooting for Perry?
Palin was the only coherent one. The rest are douchebags.
I kind of like Palin. If only she had a better voice, though. And not that much of a chip on her shoulder about the media attacking her family or whatnot. And not having quit her job. Otherwise, she's OK.
Palin quit... that's the tough shit for us.
The grass is always greener elsewhere. C'mon, man up, you gotta play the hand you're dealt.
Reminds me of late 2007, early 2008, when Herr Rot was all gaga after Rudy (who, by the way, together with Mac was running to the left of Mitt, lest we forget). I kept telling Mr Rot at the time that Rudy is a quitter, not a tough campaigner. He never believed me. Then Rudy folded. To this day, Mr Rot never conceded he was pushing the weak horse. And then, of course, he started pulling for Mac. The weakest GOP candidate in a generation. Figures.
No one is to the left of Mitt, Tecs. Mitt is so whacked-out everywhere that it's impossible to be only to one side of him.
No one is to the left of Mitt.
If I provide a counterexample to your statement, do I get bottle of Barolo?
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