Sunday, March 18, 2007

19th-century Arabian Nights: Sir Richard Burton

Any of you FCP'ers check out Burton's narrative of his "pilgrimage" to Mecca? The guy was fluent in like 800 languages (about 27, I think), and was the first to translate Arabian Nights (from my knowledge, I don't think anyone has attempted it since his 19th century translation).

The Wiki portrays him as a sort of Victorian James Bond. Interesting.


Mr roT said...

I'll bet there are dozens of more recent translations into English. Check amazon.

My Frontier Thesis said...

According to a source on the radio this morning, Burton has yet to be upped on translations. He was able to get to Mecca without being detected. That suggests — or implies — a command of the language (crucial to any translation). I'm just wondering if any of you have ever read his own. I haven't (no time-time-time!!!).