Sunday, March 18, 2007

al Qaida: learning about chem-weapons at summer camp

Three suicide bombers driving trucks rigged with tanks of toxic chlorine gas struck targets in the insurgent stronghold including the office of a Sunni tribal leader opposed to al-Qaida. The attacks killed at least two people and sickened 350 Iraqi civilians and six U.S. troops, the U.S. military said Saturday.


Tecumseh said...

Looking again at that pic (the Binnie boy sneaking a bomb under the Bradley Fighting Vehicle's threads) -- why on Earth didn't the driver just step on the gas, and quash the guy like a bug? So OK, maybe the IED woulda have gone off anyhow, maybe not -- but just sitting there like a duck won't do any good, will it?

My Frontier Thesis said...

I wonder if any soldiers were even in the tank to begin with.

Tecumseh said...

Technically speaking, it's a Fighting Vehicle, not a (Main Battle) Tank, but yes, let's say it's basically a tank, though it's more like a dignified troop transport, with a light cannon on top. I guess it's possible that the crew was out for a coffee at the local Starbucks, but this seems rather unlikely, don't you think?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yes... they were probably at the Burger King rather than Starbucks.

More seriously, the entire series seems like it might have been staged. Do the last couple pull-away shots in the montage look like the first four?