Of the anti-Turnerian, or the post-WWII Richard Hofstadter/Columbia School of Historians, here is the passing of a kind of Liberal that they just don't make anymore (the kind of Liberal that is incompatible with Communism).
I wouldn't call him a fellow traveller. But he was a Kennedy sycophant, wasn't he? All that Camelot stuff is just too much syrup for my taste. Very French.
I liked Schles's stuff. Of course AA and AI will call him a fellow traveller or something.
Hmmm, an Anti-Communist a "fellow traveler"?? It depends to where one's traveling, JJ.
Now, Eleanor Roosevelt was not a fellow traveler.....of mine.
I wouldn't call him a fellow traveller. But he was a Kennedy sycophant, wasn't he? All that Camelot stuff is just too much syrup for my taste. Very French.
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