Tuesday, March 13, 2007

But they support the troops

“I believe homosexual acts between individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts.”

Brilliant military minds at work.


Tecumseh said...

But Charles Moskos, a sociologist at Northwestern University who helped design the “don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t pursue” policy for the Clinton administration, told The Post that changing the policy could cost the military a larger number of recruits — those who would not want to live in close quarters with openly gay soldiers, sailors or marines.

But I'm sure Pepe would just love to be in the bunk next to Bubba.

Mr roT said...

I love this post. Here, Pepe goes further than the usual Eurononsense idea of the military as a jobs program and takes it all the way to a way for the government to do social engineering on its citizens.
"Sleep next to gays in a barracks and deal with it or we'll put you in the brig with some gays and you'll have to," he wants Petraeus to say.
This coming from Mr freedoms of conscience (as long as you agree with him, evidently).
On the other hand, the military was the first giant integrated employer in the US. Sometimes that stuff works, I guess.

Pepe le Pew said...

those who would not want to live in close quarters with openly gay soldiers, sailors or marines
i understand you dawgs couldn't sleep on a bunk adjacent to that of a woman without assaulting her but do you think most gays would do the same to you?

Pepe le Pew said...

Of course, if jj slept in the green shorts he used to wear back in the days, that'd give anyone just cause to force himself on him. but this is really the one exception.

Mr roT said...

Especially when you would take me to gay art films, Pepe. Jesus, you coulda warned me what the movie was about. I thought wearing rugby shorts to a manly movie wouldn't be a problem.
Dinner at Lucky Cheng's was really a bad idea.

Pepe le Pew said...

fuck - i don't remember this. remind me.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pepe forgets wisely

Pepe le Pew said...

i remember the movie - fassbinder's querelle - but i have no idea what or who lucy cheng is. you aren't referring to lisa chang who gave you 20% off when you told her i sent you, are you?

Mr roT said...

We never went to Lucky Cheng's. That was a restaurant staffed by transexuals, I think. The movie wasn't Querelle. There were two I remember being egregious. One was Leolo. The other was about some guy that died of AIDS. Probably French. I forget the title, but it was so self-conscius I was happy to see him pass on. Meant we could go into the Quarter and get a beer. I think we saw them both in the theater in the mall at the bottom of Canal St.
Fun back then, Pepe. Miss you guys.

Pepe le Pew said...

I saw leolo with you? what a crazy film that was. you remember the part where the old italian man is jerking off on the tomatoes at the beginning & gets caught by his buddy?
"Hey, you can't jerk off on the tomatoes!"
"What do you care? we're shipping them to america!".

Mr roT said...

yeah! also the hot chick bathing the heinous old lardass man and of course anthropofeline sex. Ugh. What awful garbage the Canadians are capable of.

Pepe le Pew said...

if it wasn't for the botched ending and the annoying off-voice, this would be my favorite urban "coming of age" film.

Pepe le Pew said...

You think Peter Pace ever watched Querelle?

Arelcao Akleos said...

JJ, Pepe, listening to your sweetgefilte reminiscing is like eavesdropping on Nathan Lane and Harvey Fierstein in a Rock Hudson Tribute off Broadway