Saturday, March 17, 2007

Digital Penetration: Metaphysics and "functional magnetic resonance imaging"

Another study that clarifies the eternal and absurd arguement about whether Free Will or Environmental/Biological Determinism exists (only for lunatics and absolutists is it just the one or the other).

Excerpt: "To make human choice predictable, you first have to constrain it so that it's not really free."

or, "blah-blah-blah..."


Mr roT said...

Digital penetration? Shouldn't this be under Foreign/Gay?

Mr roT said...

Had heard of this. Actually, I thought back during the early days of PET scans that it shoudl work as a lie-detector. I was going to patent the idea until it occurred to me exactlty who it would be that wanted to use such an idea.

My Frontier Thesis said...

We could've used this on those British Airways pilots.