Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Frame-Up Succeeds

Will Alberto Gonzales have this poor innocent man tortured?


Pepe le Pew said...

The transcript continues with the list of operations he was responsible for, including the Richard Reid shoe bomber attempt to blow up an airliner over the Atlantic Ocean, the Bali nightclub bombing in Indonesia, the 1993 World Trade Center attack and other attacks that were foiled.
ie: a more plausible explanation
for the lull in terrorist acts in the us than that of the administration.

Pepe le Pew said...

you've also noticed what the impact of good police work is on terror, especially when compared to poor military action.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Hmmm, petitio principe very much needs a Napoleon complex

Pepe le Pew said...

where is the circularity?

Arelcao Akleos said...

First, you ASSUME that the "lull in terrorist acts" [lull?] is due to the [presumably you claim by goog police works] capture of Mr. Boffo. Then you point to the capture of Mr. Boffo as evidence of "the impact of good police works" on terror.
At least your reflective tailchomping spares JJ's short shorts

Mr roT said...

didn't this administration go get KSM or was it Jimmy Carter's?

Pepe le Pew said...

First, you ASSUME that the "lull in terrorist acts" [lull?] is due to the [presumably you claim by goog police works] capture of Mr. Boffo
So when the administration states that the reason for the lull in terror activity is due to the fact that they are fighting terror in iraq ('cuz Mr Terror, he can't be both in iraq and in the good ol' us of a), you have no problem with that logic. On the other hand putting away the mastermind of the terror acts, nope - that would have no incidence whatsoever. No siree.
Often i wonder whether you aren't just saying black because i said white and, if i were to turn around and say white, you wouldn't state that it is actually black after all.

Tecumseh said...

More KSM. Hey, how come we don't hear Pepe crying over the denial of his poster boy's Miranda rights, Amerikkka sliding into Nazism, Gitmo=Auschwitz, and whatnot? C'mon, Pepe, you're slippin.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pepe, if ever one day you learn to reason you might yet be a man.
Note that the war on Islam Militant is not just overtly in Iraq, it is also Afghanistan? And how was Mr. Boffo caught to begin with? By Janet Reno sending in Ace Ventura, her pet Detective? Mr. Boffo was caught because we brought the war to Afghanistan and flushed the Taliban and the Ladenite rats from their sewers. Then were then forced to make a go of it in Pakistan, which however friendly is not as friendly as a State of Your Very Own. Sounds very much like police work ??? Only on Planet Pepe where every day is an homage to The Clowns.
Yes, after our move into Iraq the majority of efforts of IM against us have been precisely focussed on.....Iraq. Not that Mr. Boffo could join that, being our prisoner. Although you certainly could have pointed out that IM has been sustaining much effort against others than us, and far more successfully, in Asia, Africa, Europe.....but then that would have made a squib of your efforts to reduce IM to Mr. Boffo [apparently not sufficiently pleased with the already insane reduction of IM to Al Qaeda].
The colors are there for all to see, if they but care to look. Although on Planet Pepe the 5 year plans work hard at making Black and White into motley crudite's of Red and Green

Pepe le Pew said...

Pepe, if ever one day you learn to reason you might yet be a man.
and how would YOU know?

Arelcao Akleos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Arelcao Akleos said...

How would I know that reason is necessary to be a man? Aristotle and his "Rational Animal" laid out a pretty convincing case......
Not that it dissuades Versailles from its bestial embrace of Irrational Animals

Pepe le Pew said...

no, no. i meant what does a nagging little b**** know about it's like to be a man, aa.

Arelcao Akleos said...

For a nagging little biatch you sure are unclear on the concept, No No Pepette