Sunday, March 18, 2007

If only

all those hunter-gatherers had been born an MFT...


My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, you owe AA some beer. I even commented on this Steyn piece a while ago.

I'm too preoccupied with other stuff to sift through and find it. I'll bet AA remembers his title, though.

Arelcao Akleos said...

it was "An Elegy to the Father of Victorians". It linked to this article in Mcleans.
I'll day on the beer until JJ can do more than offer a bit of mad-dog in a Mountain Dew

Tecumseh said...

Thanks, JJ -- I'd missed that Steyn piece. So don't worry about the slings and arrows.

The Paris Hilton of the age, the Prince of Wales, was celebrated for having bedded 7,000 women and snipped from each a keepsake hair. Twenty-five percent of all unmarried females in London were whores; the average age of a prostitute was 16, and many brothels prided themselves on offering only girls under the age of 14.

A different world, indeed.

Mr roT said...

...unless you're Sinatra.