Sodom and Gomorrah is gonna be small-cakes compared to what's in store for North Dakota after the repeal of this cohabitation law. Oh, the IMMORALITY of it all!!!
In light of this absurd law, I am a bit disappointed with the Bismarck Tribune failing to provide any sort of historical context as to why the law was on the books in the first place. I guess that's where my research training comes into play.
Note: two lawyers mentioned in this article -- Tiffany Johnson and Justin Vinje -- are personal friends of mft's.
You will note that West Virginia yet proudly has its laws on the books. That's because nothing can come between a toothless brother and his family affairs
Looking forward to the chance to meet Justin and Tiffany, MFT. Am tired of meeting the other, more common, kind of lawyer
what's the state of sodomy law in the Daks, mft?
I don't know, JJ.
Outside of rape/assault/murder, I'm generally unconcerned with what goes on in the bedrooms of others. Just an fyi, but I don't lay awake at night thinking, "MY GOD! I'LL BET SODOMY IS GOING ON SOMEWHERE, RIGHT NOW, IN NORTH DAKOTA!!!"
You seem to give a damn about unenforced laws regarding sex. I figured the (likely) sodomy laws on the books there would offend your highly developed libertarian sensibilities...
Up till fairly recently a beej could get you in trouble. But ND was one of the first states to repeal sodomy laws. Not surprising, this, because even in a 1917 case regarding cunnilingus, The other judges conclude their decision by a dictum holding that, if there were any offense, it was an attempt to commit sodomy.
If I conducted a dictum-holding, I would get fired immediately!
JJ, is it better to keep absurd laws on the books? You don't give a damn about crazy laws -- though uninforced -- on the books?
Wow. No wonder the eastern seaboard is so fucked up all the time.
JJ, it looks like they were going after Pepe's fur-trapping ancestors with this law:
Every person who carnally knows in any manner any animal or bird; or carnally knows any male or female person by the anus or by or with the mouth; or voluntarily submits to such carnal knowledge; or attempts sexual intercourse with a dead body, is guilty of sodomy and is punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one and not exceeding ten years or in the county jail not more than one year.7
Louis and Pierre got a bit lonely on the upper Miz...
what about kissing cloacae?
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