Saturday, March 10, 2007

UND's Mascot, and MFT's traditional stance

If you click on the headline link ("UND's Mascot, and MFT's traditional stance"), it'll take you to an article that shows an often unknown side of the late Ralph Engelstad, a multi-million dollar donor to the University of North Dakota. Throughout the nation, many NeoCons are lulled into the argument that the NCAA is belligerent and out of line in trying to make UND change their mascot from the "Fighting Sioux" to something else. As a traditionalist in this respect, I argue for a return to UND's original namesake (and the State rodent of North Dakota), the "Flickertails."

When the UND Flickertails go to Boston College, and Vancouver, and Harvard, and beat the shit out of their hockey teams, it would only add insult to injury if UND Hockey was wearing the traditional mascot — a flickertail — along with the traditional colors, prairie rose pink. The Sioux — whether Lakota, Dakota, Nakota, Sisseton, or Yanktona — were ferocious, and any Mandan, Hidatsa or Arikara nation will tell you that. My argument, ultimately, is grounded in my disdain towards Ralph Engelstad, a man who might as well have run as David Duke's Vice Presidential candidate.

Fuck you, Engelstad. My great uncle fought against your furor's army. And I'll be goddamned if he did it for nothing. GO FLICKERTAILS!

(note: the rodent on the .50 isn't a true flickertail, but it was the best I could find.)


Arelcao Akleos said...

And MFT is man enough to take those Flicker Tail jokes!
How about a compromise? The Flicker Sioux?

Mr roT said...

Englestadt = Angeltown. I kinda like them flickertails I met once in Dakota.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Call me a neo-con traditionalist on this issue, AA. I want rodents clad in pink on the mascot jerseys.

Your suggestion translates in Lakota into something like a flickering snake-in-the-grass (or, I should be more specific in that it's a Mandan/Hidatsa name given to the Sioux).

JJ, they'll have to rename the arena to the Eagle's Nest, or the Nazi Palace.