Saturday, March 17, 2007

Where's Haggard in all This?

This should start an argument here on the board. I'll throw out the first shot, a utilitarian one: Hey, you want grandkids? Then you do it.


Arelcao Akleos said...

What should we argue about? Are we really up for one of those nature-nurture slagfests?

Mr roT said...

No. RIF. The good and Right Reverend says,"Hey, Jesus-freaks, don't be surprised if science proves that homo is a genetic thing. It's not a matter of choice. Even so, it's a sin and the Bible is right. If there's a way to cure, then, this propensity to sin, it should be taken."
That's something worth fighting about, isn't it?

Arelcao Akleos said...

I suppose so...but first I've got to parse this stuff of the Reverend's into me own language and see what drives his goats. Once done I'm going to go git me some Pale Ale and stare the three feet into the void that the thick mixture of rain and fog which now envelops Vancouver allows for. I'll git started on argumentation over this here original sin stuff [which he probably rejects as a Papist doctrine], which it sorta seems to be.
JJ, when you can get a little time send a quick e-mail with some sense of what is going on with life in the Hub.

Mr roT said...

Check your hotmail acct. Best.