Saturday, March 10, 2007

Yeah, but sometimes you can use that finger...

Also, the BBC reports on the Finger of Violence.


My Frontier Thesis said...

So should I continue treating really attractive women like shit?

It reminds of one of the many Menckenisms: "If, after I depart this vale, you ever remember me and have thought to please my ghost, forgive some sinner and wink your eye at some homely girl."

Tecumseh said...

The insight of this study is astounding. We need a pic to go with it, and test the hypothesis -- are FCPers getting distracted, too?

Mr roT said...

Mft: Anyone can get girl by treating her like shit --Yossarian

My Frontier Thesis said...

Maybe I over-embellished: there's a tendency to be just to-the-point with the hotties who start running their fingers through their hair and pushing up their breasts (you know that little trick they do with their elbows when sitting at a desk) when working in a professional setting. If they keep it pro, so do I. Here's the contradiction that "Feminism" is still divided on: should women "empower" themselves by showing some titties, or is that merely a catalyst for increased objectification?

Pepe would probably just wave his dong in their face, and Coulter would call him a "faggot."

What does Faust say about it all?

Arelcao Akleos said...

He says that the free display of perky titties in a pofessional setting means a Faustian bargain is the object ??

Anonymous said...

wow - who woulda thunk?

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA, don't assume so much. Equally, it is my fault for not expanding (but give me a fucking break: i'm making thesis revisions!).

I was just curious if Faust could be coaxed into saying something ridiculously absolute about Feminism, such as: "ALL WOMEN HAVE TO DRESS MODEST, OTHERWISE WE HAVE FAILED..." or "ALL WOMEN HAVE TO GO F*CK-CRAZY FOR THE SAKE OF EMPOWERMENT, OTHERWISE WE HAVE FAILED!!!"

To me, it's whatever the babe or non-babe wants to don (so long as they aren't waving cleavers at our male anatomy, or worse).

But you're right, AA: in the end, it's better to just slap 'em on the ass and say "Great Job!"