Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What a relief

I know you were up all night too worrying about whether or not she was comfy.


Tecumseh said...

"She's using this time to reflect on her life, to see what she can do to make the world better."

Hmmm.... Like, maybe, just shuddup for a year or three?

Pepe le Pew said...

She wants to make the world better? I vote for suicide.

My Frontier Thesis said...

A forth agreement in the History of the World: pepe and mft again agree.

Tecumseh said...

Hey, man, if Paris Hilton can make opposites agree, she must be on to something. I nominate her for US Ambassador to the UN. For all the significance of that organization, she would be a good fit.

Tecumseh said...

Oh, no, she's outta the slammer already! I smell a rat -- or perhaps a bribe?

Tecumseh said...

Gives new meaning to coitus interruptus.

Pepe le Pew said...

someone's been wearin' out her knee pads

Pepe le Pew said...

ai - If you haven't seen that tape yet, don't bother. she's just layin' there - the only thing she is famous for and she can't even do it right.

Tecumseh said...

Is she lip-synching, or what? BTW, this case produces strange bedfellows. For the first time in my life, I tend to agree with Al Sharpton on something (!)

"Though I have nothing but empathy for Ms. Hilton whom I have met and appeared with on Saturday Night Live the night I hosted in 2003, this early release gives all of the appearances of economic and racial favoritism that is constantly cited by poor people and people of color. There are any number of cases of people who handle being incarcerated badly and even have health conditions that are not released. I have served several sentences for civil rights and civil disobedience actions and I even fasted which caused health concerns to prison authorities who paid for a doctor to come see me daily rather than release me. This act smacks of the double standards that many of us raise.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Sharpton also mentioned something on the television today, saying that if it was a poor coal miner's daughter, or a hip-hop artist, they wouldn't have been released as the Hilton Ho-Bag was. I thought Sharpton could've come up with a down-trodden African-American rather than a hip-hop artist (arguably able to subvert justice with monetary might). But aside from that, I too, AI, agreed with his assessment. It's all just a bunch of bullshit. Current events suck balls.