Meli claimed to see a correlation between a geomag survey and TPM Barnett's zones. We sent him the letter I put in as comment 1. We'll see if he's a good sport about it. He got into a really vicious spit fight with Steyn a while back as you recall. BTW, I think the Mag chart looks like a van Gogh.
Dear Mr Barnett,
Looking at your site soon after seeing this
got my brilliant friend thinking that
maybe magnetic anomaly has something to do with countries' lack of development.
We had planned to do a correlation study of this using sophisticated statistical techniques, but decided to drink beer instead.
For example, South Africa, Australia, and India are conspicuously blue and not screwed up. We don't get perfect agreement with your categorizations as Spain and SW France are yellow and not so screwed up. Maybe they will be soon.
We suggest that you put a grad student on this as soon as possible and cite us as the prime ideators.
Enjoying an IPA,
Yeah, there's some squiggly shit going on in what I'll call an electronic painting. I had a brief conversation about magnets with another geologist last spring, just northwest of Baker, Montana (aka, The Middle of NoWhere).
I was joking about ruptures in the space-time continuum, and then he took me more seriously and started on about how the magnetic poles shift, or shit, or something like that. I don't know. All I know is that the time change is this morning, and there's a half fridge full of beer yet. Off to collect more data. Let me know if you need a Humanities expert on this. I'll need to get into more Whiskey River bourbon before I comment though (already had a bit this eve -- definitely an MFT recommend, JJ).
Ideator? Is that a word in English? I have no idea.
Whiskey River? That's wonderful. Willie Nelson song. You know it?
Yeah, I'm familiar with it. Try the new line of bourbon (see the link I gave in above comment) out of Nelson County, Kentucky. Pretty good stuff.
Kentuck makes some good bourbon that is for sure. I used to have a Weller habit.
For whatever reason, the 350ml bottles of Nelson's "Whiskey River Bourbon" (aged 6 years) are on special sale at the local liquor store here. I'm gonna take about 5 bottles of the stuff with me to gift in Ulaan Bataar. Good representation of what Kentucky and America is capable of producing.
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