Monday, March 31, 2008
JJ's nomophobia
Nomophobia could affect up to 53 per cent of mobile phone users, with 48 per cent of women and 58 per cent of men questioned admitting to experiencing feelings of anxiety when they run out of battery or credit, lose their phone or have no network coverage.
Here, JJ, have some ouzo and relax. Recharge your brain fryer, and you'll be all right. And glow in the dark.
Here, JJ, have some ouzo and relax. Recharge your brain fryer, and you'll be all right. And glow in the dark.
Cell phones,
Cosmic Idiocy,
Where is JJ?,
Yet another study
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Jumping on a grenade
Not the sort of thing one normally does -- or live to talk about. This guy has balls.
Ingmar Bergman: "...These young emerging directors. They know the job well. But it's not so often that they really have anything to say."
Anyone else but me relate to this? My guess is Bergman's thinking of Hollywood with this statement.
Anyone else but me relate to this? My guess is Bergman's thinking of Hollywood with this statement.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Brain fryers -- part MCXXIV
..using handsets for 10 years or more can double the risk of brain cancer [..] the incidence of malignant brain tumours and associated death rate will be observed to rise globally within a decade from now, by which time it may be far too late to intervene medically. "It is anticipated that this danger has far broader public health ramifications than asbestos and smoking."
Ah, it's just AI worrying for nothing, says JJ. Yeah, whatever, man.
Ah, it's just AI worrying for nothing, says JJ. Yeah, whatever, man.
Battle Basra

A U.S. warplane strafed snipers in the southern city of Basra, killing at least 16 suspected militants after Iraqi troops came under heavy fire, the American military said... An AC-130 gunship then opened fire on enemy positions on three roofs.
That's gonna leave a mark.
To The Death,
What's Coming to Planet Pepe
A tired vaudeville act
But Steyn manages to pump this up, formidably. Just read on to the end. It's what the doctor ordered for comic relief.
Chickens roosting
Getting back to the Wright track, here's VDH's take. Yet another depressing thought (well, not from the election point of view, but rather, from the big picture one). Where is that ointment cream MFT recommended?
Separated at berth

Curiously, AI's Michel Comte pic of La Bruni with censored boobs is gone from Blogger. Weird, huh? Black helicopters come to mind.
Plum Danish
"We women would like to decide by ourselves when our breasts should be sexual and when not."
...and I'll decide when it's rape, says the judge.
...and I'll decide when it's rape, says the judge.
Brazilian Prodigy
Quick, Harvard, this gifted lad would put some firepower into your epee team in no time. And the perfect man to oversee the implementation of your sexual harassment policy.
Tricky Spitz
At one point, Dopp said he had warned the governor that Bruno "will be p- - - - -" if the records were released. He said Spitzer angrily replied, "F- - - him! He's a piece of s- - -! Shove it up his ass with a red-hot poker!" Dopp said that during the same conversation, Spitzer "turned a little red and he was drinking a cup of coffee and as he was saying it, he was like spitting a little bit. He was spitting mad."
Clearly, Spitzer needed a break, and some soothing massaging. I can see now why he would pay good money for that.
Clearly, Spitzer needed a break, and some soothing massaging. I can see now why he would pay good money for that.
Cool Hotel, Cool Bar...
Friday, March 28, 2008
Ban this talk?
October 18th, 2006
Speaker: Eric Rowland
Title: An Introduction to Smellular Glautomata
Abstract: For the purposes of this abstract, I have *cleverly* disguised the subject of this talk to protect it from the mild bad rap it receives by association with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-In-Reputable-Mathematics- Departments. We will develop the subject from scratch and, without such bias, systematically explore smellular glautomaton space, discussing in particular a very beautiful class which mathematics can actually say something about.
Speaker: Eric Rowland
Title: An Introduction to Smellular Glautomata
Abstract: For the purposes of this abstract, I have *cleverly* disguised the subject of this talk to protect it from the mild bad rap it receives by association with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-In-Reputable-Mathematics- Departments. We will develop the subject from scratch and, without such bias, systematically explore smellular glautomaton space, discussing in particular a very beautiful class which mathematics can actually say something about.
the civil war continues
Thinking about the American soldiers and the Iraqis that just want the violence to stop... Keep kickin' ass, G.I.
Carla at Buckingham

Aahhh the French,
Sarko watch,
Where is JJ?
Who's Related to Who Homecoming
Will this turn child support on its head?
And I like how the article states that the tests are popular with women who want to know who fathered their child.
And I like how the article states that the tests are popular with women who want to know who fathered their child.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Boozer Philosophy
“We’ve had enough to drink. Now let’s have too much.”
Mike C., 40, raising the bar at the Ale House in Tacoma.
mft says: if wanting to sip cabernet while trying to avoid the haranging, "Are you drinking again?" use a coffee mug as the two liquids, from a bit of a distance, appear to be a dark roast.
Mike C., 40, raising the bar at the Ale House in Tacoma.
mft says: if wanting to sip cabernet while trying to avoid the haranging, "Are you drinking again?" use a coffee mug as the two liquids, from a bit of a distance, appear to be a dark roast.
Single-Malt Still Working
Feynman Exults
Spitzer and the buxom madam
Davis personally serviced Spitzer. [..] In court yesterday, the slightly rumpled Davis wore gray tights, black Ugg boots and a black hoodie decorated by silver-sequin images of flaming skulls and crossbones. [..] Sex-industry insiders described the tattooed platinum blonde as "a flamboyant biker chick". This story has legs.
Dem Aristo-crats,
gringas putas,
gringos putos,
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I went to a boxing match, and a hockey game broke out...
Some news from the Canadian front.
Canadian Bacon,
Canadian Sports,
O Canada
Question for JJ, AA, or AI...
We have the searchable Quran in the side bar, but I wondered if anyone has found a searchable Shariah on-line? I'll keep poking around.
Islam and — ahem — Free Speech
Geert Wilders, of the Freedom Party and Dutch parliament, wants to ban the Quran (comparing it to Mein Kampf) from the Netherlands.

Note: Peter Hoekstra, the author of this article, originally hails from the Netherlands. The pic is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali marked for death by fatwa because she speaks her mind. Ayaan is not a fatwa. She's a thin-wa.
And I know the Constitution is the Federal law of the land, but let's tip our hats to the moral and ethical document with which it rests: A central premise of the American experiment are these words from the Declaration of Independence: "All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." There are similar statements in the U.S. Constitution, British Common Law, the Napoleonic Code and the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights. As a result, hundreds of millions in the U.S. and around the world enjoy freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion and many other rights.

Note: Peter Hoekstra, the author of this article, originally hails from the Netherlands. The pic is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali marked for death by fatwa because she speaks her mind. Ayaan is not a fatwa. She's a thin-wa.
And I know the Constitution is the Federal law of the land, but let's tip our hats to the moral and ethical document with which it rests: A central premise of the American experiment are these words from the Declaration of Independence: "All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." There are similar statements in the U.S. Constitution, British Common Law, the Napoleonic Code and the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights. As a result, hundreds of millions in the U.S. and around the world enjoy freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion and many other rights.
Pepe, You Know This Guy?

Or maybe I'm dating you and your graduate bootcamp days in Cali? Wikipedia says Miłosz professed Slavic language and literature at your alma mater from '61 to '78.
His essays look pretty good. Anyone else familiar with him?
Think different

Says Spengler: Today's Europeans stem from the melting-pot of the barbarian invasions that replaced the vanishing population of the Roman Empire. The genius of the Catholic Church was to absorb them. If Benedict XVI can convert this new wave of invaders from North Africa and the Middle East, history will place him on a par with his great namesake, the founder of the monastic order the bears his name.
[I am regurging this because no one has read it carefully enough.-JJ]
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
MFT, Are You Not Entertained?
Hah! Don't mess with Texas!!
In a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court sides with the State of Texas over Medellin, Bush, Pepe, the Gray Lady, the World Court, the Vienna Convention, and everyone else in between. Right on!
USAF Coanda Effect...
The USAF is giving all other branches easy material.
This is also a bit disturbing: remember when the USAF "misplaced" a couple nukes from the base in Minot, North Dakota, and they turned up at Barksdale Air Force Base down in Pepe Land?
This is inexcusable and intolerable for the most professional military in the history of the world. Coming forward with it, though, is the first step towards fixing the problem (how's that for Rehab Speak?).
This is also a bit disturbing: remember when the USAF "misplaced" a couple nukes from the base in Minot, North Dakota, and they turned up at Barksdale Air Force Base down in Pepe Land?
This is inexcusable and intolerable for the most professional military in the history of the world. Coming forward with it, though, is the first step towards fixing the problem (how's that for Rehab Speak?).
B.R. Myers On the English Language
It's not about McCain or Obama, so AI and JJ shouldn't bother reading. Otherwise, here's the cultural plight foreshadowed by B.R. Myers. Linguistically, it reads rather dismal:
So what if we can’t talk to each other? Americanness, which once meant so much that only a shared language could carry it all, is contracting to a mere matter of wanting a bigger income—or should I say more “flair”? The obvious irony is that a nation without one unifying language will end up poorer in economic terms as well.
So what if we can’t talk to each other? Americanness, which once meant so much that only a shared language could carry it all, is contracting to a mere matter of wanting a bigger income—or should I say more “flair”? The obvious irony is that a nation without one unifying language will end up poorer in economic terms as well.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Microcosmographia Academica, by Cambridge Professor F.M. Cornford (1908)
First, perhaps, I had better describe the parties in academic politics; it is not easy to distinguish them precisely. There are five; and they are called Conservative Liberals, Liberal Conservatives, Non-placets, Adullamites, and Young Men in a Hurry.
A Conservative Liberal is a broad-minded man, who thinks that something ought to be done, only not anything that anyone now desires, but something which was not done in 1881-82.
A Liberal Conservative is a broad-minded man, who thinks that something ought to be done, only not anything that anyone now desires; and that most things which were done in 1881-82 ought to be undone.
The men of both of these parties are alike in being open to conviction; but so many convictions have already got inside, that it is very difficult to find the openings. They dwell in the Valley of Indecision.
The Non-placet differs in not being open to conviction; he is a man of principle. A principle is a rule of inaction, which states a valid general reason for not doing in any particular case what, to unprincipled instinct, would appear to be right. The Non-placet believes that it is always well to be on the Safe Side, which can be easily located as the northern side of the interior of the Senate House. He will be a person whom you have never seen before, and will never see again anywhere but in his favourite station on the left of the place of judgment.
The Adullamites are dangerous, because they know what they want; and that is, all the money there is going. They inhabit a series of caves near Downing Street. The say to one another, 'If you will scratch my back, I will scratch yours; and if you won't, I will scratch your face.' It will be seen that these cave-dwellers are not refined, like classical men. That is why they succeed in getting all the money there is going.
The Young Man in a Hurry is a narrow-minded and ridiculously youthful prig, who is inexperienced enough to imagine that something might be done before very long, and even to suggest definite things. His most dangerous defect being want of experience, everything should be done to prevent him from taking any part in affairs. He may be known by his propensity to organise societies for the purpose of making silk purses out of sows' ears. This tendency is not so dangerous as it might seem; for it may be observed that the sows, after taking their washing with a grunt or two, trundle back unharmed to the wallow; and the purse-market is quoted as firm. The Young Man in a Hurry is afflicted with a conscience, which is apt to break out, like measles, in patches. To listen to him, you would think that he united the virtues of a Brutus to the passion for lost causes of a Cato; he has not learnt that most of his causes are lost by letting the Cato out of the bag, instead of tying him up firmly and sitting on him, as experienced people do.
0 young academic politician, know thyself!
A Conservative Liberal is a broad-minded man, who thinks that something ought to be done, only not anything that anyone now desires, but something which was not done in 1881-82.
A Liberal Conservative is a broad-minded man, who thinks that something ought to be done, only not anything that anyone now desires; and that most things which were done in 1881-82 ought to be undone.
The men of both of these parties are alike in being open to conviction; but so many convictions have already got inside, that it is very difficult to find the openings. They dwell in the Valley of Indecision.
The Non-placet differs in not being open to conviction; he is a man of principle. A principle is a rule of inaction, which states a valid general reason for not doing in any particular case what, to unprincipled instinct, would appear to be right. The Non-placet believes that it is always well to be on the Safe Side, which can be easily located as the northern side of the interior of the Senate House. He will be a person whom you have never seen before, and will never see again anywhere but in his favourite station on the left of the place of judgment.
The Adullamites are dangerous, because they know what they want; and that is, all the money there is going. They inhabit a series of caves near Downing Street. The say to one another, 'If you will scratch my back, I will scratch yours; and if you won't, I will scratch your face.' It will be seen that these cave-dwellers are not refined, like classical men. That is why they succeed in getting all the money there is going.
The Young Man in a Hurry is a narrow-minded and ridiculously youthful prig, who is inexperienced enough to imagine that something might be done before very long, and even to suggest definite things. His most dangerous defect being want of experience, everything should be done to prevent him from taking any part in affairs. He may be known by his propensity to organise societies for the purpose of making silk purses out of sows' ears. This tendency is not so dangerous as it might seem; for it may be observed that the sows, after taking their washing with a grunt or two, trundle back unharmed to the wallow; and the purse-market is quoted as firm. The Young Man in a Hurry is afflicted with a conscience, which is apt to break out, like measles, in patches. To listen to him, you would think that he united the virtues of a Brutus to the passion for lost causes of a Cato; he has not learnt that most of his causes are lost by letting the Cato out of the bag, instead of tying him up firmly and sitting on him, as experienced people do.
0 young academic politician, know thyself!
Luv mayor
I'll bet you a nickel that Taranto will pick on this story, and ask: to which party does this guy belong? Mystery. As for Spitzer & al, the MSM won't say (unless it's someone like Craig, in which case you'll see an (R) in the very title).
bulls and cows,
Dem Aristo-crats,
From Planet Pepe
Back to 1980! OK, fun and games, but still, is this all that McCain is gonna do (besides beating up on L. Ron Hubbard) to win in th Fall?
Sunday, March 23, 2008
An unwilling bride?

mft recommends armor-piercing ammo
Iraqi guards opened fire on the vehicle but couldn't stop it because the windshield had been bulletproofed, said an Iraqi army officer. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not supposed to release the information.
On armor-piercing ammo. Excerpt: Armor-piercing ammunition is used to penetrate hardened armored targets such as body armor, vehicle armor, concrete, tanks and other defenses, depending on the caliber of the firearms. Armor-piercing ammunition consists of a hardened steel, tungsten-carbide, or depleted uranium penetrator enclosed within a softer material, such as copper or aluminum. Armor-piercing ammunition can range from rifle and pistol caliber rounds all the way up to tank rounds.
On armor-piercing ammo. Excerpt: Armor-piercing ammunition is used to penetrate hardened armored targets such as body armor, vehicle armor, concrete, tanks and other defenses, depending on the caliber of the firearms. Armor-piercing ammunition consists of a hardened steel, tungsten-carbide, or depleted uranium penetrator enclosed within a softer material, such as copper or aluminum. Armor-piercing ammunition can range from rifle and pistol caliber rounds all the way up to tank rounds.
Boston Big Dog
Dynamics at work in the western burbs of Beantown. Brought to you by some MIT geeks and a DARPA grant.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Behold the Canary
Jean-Francois McCain

Goreball warming? Check. Kyoto genuflections? Check. Close down Gitmo? Check. Don't touch the head-hackers even with a flower? Check. Ask permission from the Euros before doing anything? Check. Swell, JJ, swell.
Aahhh the French,
planet Pepe expands
Quickie burger
The PC police is taking offense. JJ, ever the master at this, must have an explanation: what's wrong with a buxom girl riding a rodeo-burger?
gringos locos,
PC police,
Much better to let Obama's patriotism question itself
Captain Black felt he had been cheated by the hapless Major and nursed a grudge that culminated in the Glorious Loyalty Oath Crusade. This was a system devised by Captain Black in which one must sign one or more loyalty oaths to do anything, including pick up maps and flak suits for combat duty, all while preventing Major Major Major from signing any at all. The crusade collapses when Major —— de Coverley waved away a loyalty oath that everyone was required to sign prior to being served food, and demanded with 'righteous indignation' that Milo "Give everybody eat!"
Wright vs Hobbes

So, OK, I understand that Wright is pissed at Hillary & Hannity, but what did Hobbes do to him to appear on his shit list?
Friday, March 21, 2008
Pussy McCain, take II
JJ didn't respond to previous post on the subject. Let's see if he does now, or whether he keeps emulating Mac.
Sexual healing
How exactly ones does do that? Eliot is the gift that keeps giving -- the stuff you learn by just reading about him! Who else can approach this exalted level, except perhaps Obama?
French logic at its best
Iran building A-bombs? Bad, bad, bad. So what do the French do? Cut down their own arsenal. Mais bien sur.
Kraut hammers on
While Peggy descends into bathetic saccharine (I'm starting to agree with JJ that she is going gaga).
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Mixed signals
Young men just find it difficult to tell the difference between women who are being friendly and women who are interested in something more. This "lost in translation" phenomenon plays out in the real world, with about 70 percent of college women reporting an experience in which a guy mistook her friendliness for a sexual come-on. Some might think the results come down to "boys being boys," and so even the slightest female interest sparks sexual fantasy.
McCain is a pussy

I mean, suspending a peon for sending a YouTube link? Sounds very French to me. [BTW, anyone can guess who Bubba is talking to in that pic?]
The Rise and Fall of Moqtada al-Sadr
SBJ picnic
"It is also better to bring self-prepared foods such as sandwiches, not only to save money, but also to avoid getting diseases such as diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid after eating food bought from street vendors,” the health secretary suggested.
Henninger on Mamet's Conversion
AA, you didn't get enough pats for posting the Mamet piece first time. It was long and I never got to the good part. Retroactively, good find.
Pepe's Impressions and Reality

Pepe: "I found the quick mention of rape at the beginning quire puzzling too. Has this been documented ? I was always under the impression that the soviets had behaved decently"
Natalya Gesse, a Soviet war correspondent, gave a first‐hand
estimation of Red Army’s activities, and stated that “The Russian
soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty.
It was an army of rapists.”2
Honestly, I am very surprised at the notion of someone thinking that in the Soviet moves through Poland and into Germany they had "behaved decently". [Unless simply considered relative to the Holocaust].
see also: Link here
and Link here
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Mormonism by Spengler
In the race to the bottom between black liberation theology and Jos Smith, we've been concentrating on the former. Here Spengler brings us an account of Mormonism
Luv guvs
Hey, how come this happens only in NY & NJ? I don't know of any other states where the governors are so consistently horny rabbits. Must be something in the Hudson water.
RawMuscleGlutes good for a laugh
He addressed the intimate, painful love he has for an imperfect and sometimes embittered man.
Does this sound a smidgen gay to you guys? Roundup.
Does this sound a smidgen gay to you guys? Roundup.
BBC deciphers the Bible
[The] debate about homosexuality in the church, which threatens to split [sic] the worldwide Anglican church.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Islamic Study Aids
Saudi Family values carry out a preemptive strike against The Terrible Teens
Diddling Cousins,
joys of burkha,
Oh My My Sharia
Whitewashing round the corner
Anyone want to bet the sentence will not exceed a slap on the wrist (if that) ?
Fargo's Boozy Operation...
A sozzled plastic surgeon... After the third whiskey at lunch he said, "I can fucking do anything!"
Death to Amerikkka

Hah! CNN changed their headline very quickly! Fortunately Google remembered it. The NYT provides a transcript of his speech. BTW, AI, you're very clever in that first comment.
Kill Whitey
Monday, March 17, 2008
Bow Down to Your Commie-Chi Overlords, FCPers.
Darwinian Idea: Why Women Still Aren't Funny
Perhaps already posted some time ago, but here's the Vanity Fair article on it all.
FCP should reserve a Berkeley movie theatre hall, play this, and take questions and comments.
FCP should reserve a Berkeley movie theatre hall, play this, and take questions and comments.
Single-Malt Still Working
Menage a trois

Not your father's Oldsmobile. What's with all these Luv Guvs?
[Pic is from Bartley's n Cambridge. You know that joint, JJ? --AI]
Dem Aristo-crats,
gringas putas,
gringos putos
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Beating a dead horse
.. just to spite JJ: "When the wife does not focus in on the needs and the feelings sexually, personally, to make him feel like a man, to make him feel like a success, to make him feel like our hero, he's very susceptible to the charm of some other woman making him feel what he needs. These days, women don't spend a lot of time thinking about how they can give their men what they need." I mean, where else do you find this stuff except in the Spitzer story? The gift that keeps on giving.
Good analysis here
Heartening that this smart guy says Obama is more likely to get the nomination and less likely to get win in November than Hillary. Suits me fine. Still, this must've been written before Jeremiah the Bullfrog made two hours of primetime on CNN yesterday.
Is jj nom de code for jon lobo?
"my immediate goal is to get a bag of ice and some lotion on my penis to soothe the burning". Image.
Interesting compendium
Once we pushed most of our combat forces into close interactions with the Iraqi people, the information they obtained ensured that the targets they hit were the right ones. Above all, the compassion and concern our soldiers have consistently shown to civilians and even to defeated and captured enemies have turned the tide of Iraqi opinion. Kagan.
SBJ on Obama's side
Except for an interruption to talk about a severe storm that had shattered windows at CNN Center in Atlanta (talk about a story breaking through), Cooper devoted his entire hour to the Wright story on Friday night, and the show repeated for the full hour after that.
Saigon. Shit.
When do you think Obama's going over there? When Hillary went, she got l'epaule froide, as I recall. He's got Lieberman with him. I wish he'd be Mac's running mate.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Barone opines
These are the schmucks that know less about military matters than civilians. Sickening.
Two crazy Irish cats of Kilkenny
This is happening for McCain—having Obama defined as unready and Hillary as lacking in integrity—without his having to lift a finger. If the current campaign keeps up—and there's every sign it will—it's likely that by summer irrepressible doubts about both Dems will have been lodged in the minds of the electorate. This ain't fair. Under the circumstances, my boy coulda won as well! McCain is cheatin'! We need to have a level playing field here.
I 'll go with the Pauillac
Now King's team has started a new study in which his team will randomly assign non-drinkers to start either having a glass of wine a day, a glass of grape juice, or grape juice spiked with antioxidants. This one looks OK for the study.
Dubbyah in charge
Chompin' on the copper's noggin'
It's the Wild West out there.
A modified, limited hangout
Is Obama=Tricky Dick, as VDH says, or =Bubba, as the girly boy says? Either way, what happened to the "new politics"? Sounds like deja vu all over again to me.
JJ, Iceland Isn't Whoring It Up As Much As We Think...

Iceland the next Police State? All of this relates to this thread below. They even give JJ an ultimatum: Kill whales, or have fun with Icelandic porn stars.
Where is JJ?
Friday, March 14, 2008
The beat goes on
"Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain't! Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty." Did you guys see the video? The pastor makes a suggestive move, illustrating the concept (during the sermon!) By making a political endorsement from the pulpit, Mr Wright's outbursts may attract the attention of the Inland Revenue Service. What's that? More from VDH.
President John Adams HBO Debut...
No country for old men
The base is tired. Republicans feel their own kind of unease at Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton. Talk about wanting to stand athwart history yelling stop. And Peggy rips McCain a new one. JJ will shrug. Don't worry, be happy. Have some more ouzo.
Don't Worry Be Happy,
Vision of Things to Come
Kraut gets to the bottom line
The pillars of American liberalism -- the Democratic Party, the universities and the mass media -- are obsessed with biological markers, most particularly race and gender. They have gotten their wish. This primary campaign represents the full flowering of identity politics. It's not a pretty picture. Geraldine Ferraro says Obama is only where he is because he's black. Professor Orlando Patterson says the 3 a.m. phone call ad is not about a foreign policy crisis but a subliminal Klan-like appeal to the fear of "black men lurking in the bushes around white society." Good grief. The optimist will say that when this is over, we will look back on the Clinton-Obama contest, and its looming ugly endgame, as the low point of identity politics, and the beginning of a turning away. The pessimist will just vote Republican.
Brooks is so full of shit
I don’t know if you’ve seen a successful politician or business tycoon get drunk and make a pass at a woman. It’s like watching a St. Bernard try to French kiss. It’s all overbearing, slobbering, desperate wanting. There’s no self-control, no dignity.
I know plenty people like this that aren't bigshots.
I know plenty people like this that aren't bigshots.
Perfecting the Puppets

Came across this quote from 1984 in a short piece of Mark Steyn's. A more complete, yet succinct, description of the propagandist goal of the leftist thugs who breed the decay of the University would be hard to find. I've not read that book since, in fact, 1984. It's high time for another read. If, for no other reason, as a Manual of Current Praxis.
"CRIMESTOP means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc*, and of being bored and repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity."
Ferraro=David Duke?
In one of his sputtering-mad “special comments” usually devoted to damning President Bush to hell, Keith Olbermann of MSNBC accused Geraldine Ferraro of employing the “vocabulary of David Duke,” and of “insidious racism that is at least two decades old.” Back in the glory days of liberaldom, this would have been like Edward R. Murrow calling Eleanor Roosevelt a fascist — in other words, utter madness. Is Planet Pepe cracking up? Bhawhahahwhhaaahhh!
Perils of greening
While Spitzer pines for those meaty fingers, the missus follows the advice of Al Gore, and greens the mansion with solar panels and whatnot. There must be a moral here somewhere, about Harvard lawyers hard at work.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
How many times did I tell you
... to wash your feet before getting into bed? Anyone ever heard that line before?
Brit teachers for child murder
and you thought it stopped at the cooking. Well, OK, JJ -- but here is the real stuff: When asked by defence lawyer Courtenay Griffith about how the militiamen would "prepare a human being" for eating, Mr Marzah described the splitting, cleaning, decapitating and cooking of the corpse with salt and pepper. "We slit your throat, butcher you... throw away the head, take the flesh and put it in a pot...".
I thought the comments went back on the other page. But typical stupid colonials, grilling is always better than braising when it comes to enemies. Idiots.
I thought the comments went back on the other page. But typical stupid colonials, grilling is always better than braising when it comes to enemies. Idiots.
International Socialism,
Rule Dhimmania
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
In Honor of an Uncle

This morning my uncle, my mother's older brother, died after a sustained illness. In truth, a fair judgement is that his was a failed life; with fierce early promise burnt to ashes by that most fateful of the Furies, our own character. But when he was very young and, yes, brave, he enlisted at age 17 in the Navy after Pearl Harbor. He was assigned as a machine gunner to a landing support patrol boat in the Pacific, was wounded both at Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima, and years later had only medals and photographs to flesh out the horror of those battles for his nephews. [which, properly, he did not do until we were adults].
By the end of his days he had made peace with life, and was a good friend to my mother and myself in dark moments. I shall miss him. RIP.
[Images from the two battles.....Apologies for the editing, was trying to get in shots which mark that these battles were as much of the air as of land and sea.
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