"I have no patience with the Luddite approach that says people don't want to use their mobile phones in-flight. You don't take a flight to contemplate your life in silence. Our services are not cathedral-like sanctuaries. Anyone who looks like sleeping, we wake them up to sell them things. We will be encouraging our passengers to make as many calls as possible because that will lower our costs and boost our revenues." Damn you, Michael O'Leary. Go rot in Hell, you babbling fool, you. I really need to go to Pitcairn now. But not on Ryanair.
Any trips to Australia planned for soon, Tecs. I'll sit next to you with my cell and three extra batteries.
You may end up with those batteries stuffed up your gizzard by the time we arrive in Sydney. And yes, I'm half-thinking of going there this Fall. Never been in Ozzie land -- kind of daunted by the length of the trip. Any of you guys been there?
you just want to chase everywhere dense girl
Can't keep up with her travel schedule. She's in hot demand everywhere. Seethe.
Been to Sydney and Melbourne. It is a very long flight; but one made manageable by sojourning a while in, say, Japan, or Hong Kong, or Taiwan. But, if anyone on FCP insists on going Buckaroo Banzai, make sure you take an airline that actually, yer know, let's sleeping dogs lie.
Sleep, and the travel is barely a dream. No sleep, and even a Seattle-Boston run is a bloody nightmare.
Enjoy Australia, Tecs. Hope you find a garrulous neighbor.
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