Friday, February 27, 2009

From Henry to Henri

Sounds like this laser-like, soak-the-rich scheme is especially designed for Pepe. But hey, it's only poetic justice. Nevertheless, he will ululate, for this is the pinko nirvana he's been waiting for.


Pepe le Pew said...

sounds good: I don't pay enough taxes.

Pepe le Pew said...

Seriously: i was in Sta Fe this week, Went to a sports rec center to go ice skating. The place is obviously partly funded by tax dollars: $25 for the 4 of us, with the skate rental.
In there, dozen of teenagers doing figures and having a blast. The same kids in New Orleans (where nothing is available for anyone who can't afford it) would be mugging people. I like to think of myself as fiscally right of center, but when I see stuff like this, I swear I am delighted to pay taxes.

Arelcao Akleos said...

As if the percentage of taxes going for parks and icerinks and such is other than one iota.

By all means, when you see hundreds of billions to line the pockets of those connected to the Chicago Mafia I fully hope they give you as much such delight as they can conjure up.
Planet Pepe's New Slogan:
"Thank You, Sir! Can I please please please have another?"

The Darkroom said...

extrapolate, aa, extrapolate.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Extrapolate? You mean like "I saw an Icerink one day partly payed for through public funds, so Obama's Taxery is Just Great!"?

What mere neoconish mortal could match the standard of darkroom of pepeanism?

Tecumseh said...

Powww!! Exposing the gaping holes in Pepean logic is like shooting fish in a barrel. Well done, AA.