Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Leaving Planet Pepe

Ok, so she understands 2+2=4 only after Big Brother is in power. But better late courage than never.

[To Tecumseh, well that would be one way to leave Planet Pepe. But the cur is now fixed].


Tecumseh said...

Wot ees dees? Just some soccer links.

Tecumseh said...

So pigs do fly once in a blue moon, do they? Hard to believe a dyed-in-the-wool pinko harridan could have regrets: after all, being a true-blue gauchiste means being perpetually in people's faces, wishing them dead unless they convert to the one and only true religion (whose bearded prophet is Karl Marx, of course).

At any rate, epiphanies do occur, even on the road to Berkeley. And, as Irving Kristol (Bill's father) once said, a neokkkon is simply a liberal who has been mugged by reality.

Mr roT said...

This another WFBuckley whelp?

Tecumseh said...

What's whelp, and what's WFB got to do with this?