Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Hitchens does a good job here...

...without sneering like an Eton fruity-boy.


A. Leverkuhn said...

Yes and no: The accusation "... but in the real world he is a middle man and peddler who resents the civilization that nurtured him..." is a little too easy to make and applicable to almost anyone who
rocks the boat. By this reasoning there are never good grounds for challenging
authorities --- any revolt has a component which contradicts the attitudes of society which tolerated (and even perhaps gave merit to) the idea of misbehaving in the first place.


A. Leverkuhn

Arelcao Akleos said...

Julian doesn't care. He's fundamentally a classical anarchist: Burn the world, and let the devils rule Chaos. He believes as much in reason, and an argued stance that factors what evils will be reaped, as did Leon or Gavrilo.

Mr roT said...

He's just a big, angry fruit.

Mr roT said...

"Excessive heteroism" for Northern Europe is "hetero-curious" for the rest of the world.

Tecumseh said...

What's "heteroism"? Sounds like a bs made-up word to me.

Mr roT said...

AA is full of neologisms, Tecs. By the way, bs made-up words are called that way.

I mean the Queen!!