Thursday, December 09, 2010

Smart power

Just fucking great. When does Obama quit?
Obama's conscience. Heh, I agree with progressives?


Tecumseh said...

Some fifty years ago we went to the brink of war when the Rooskies put nukes in Fidel's ("He's not a Stalinist, says Rot") domain. Now the Qommisars are putting nukes in Hugo's pinko nirvana, and the reaction is--yawn.

As good ole Karly once said, "Hegel bemerkt irgendwo, daß alle großen weltgeschichtlichen Thatsachen und Personen sich so zu sagen zweimal ereignen. Er hat vergessen hinzuzufügen: das eine Mal als große Tragödie, das andre Mal als lumpige Farce."

Mr roT said...

Krushchev sized up Kennedy in Vienna and figured he could get away with it.

Obama is so pathetic that big countries are unnecessary.

Mr roT said...

It was no mystery to me that Obama would regard everything except turning America into an affirmative action dystopia as a distraction.

That this would include Chavez and Ahmadinejad taking over South America is a stretch, but you don't get to be dictator of a rich country starting as a paratroop officer by thinking small.