Monday, December 13, 2010

Spencer in Fine and Finely Bitter Form

"Really, only Jean Raspail could have come up with this scenario: Muslims fly a plane into the largest building in America, then finagle a way to buy a piece of the crash site for pennies on the dollar using shadowy money they cannot account for, then claim that America's freedom of religion (which they reject on Islamic principle) must permit them to build on the site, then they have the infinite gall to apply for government money to build it--all the while a Christian church destroyed by the Muslims is being blocked by the very same city government, which is run by a Jewish liberal, who's betraying his own people's interests so that he can make inroads with his financial news services in the Middle East. The only way this story could be more lurid and implausible would be if NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg had made his fortune selling rope"

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