Saturday, January 29, 2011

Buddha da Mummy, Good Momo

A revolution fought for "Justice" of course sets aside fighting the oppressor for a major assault on a museum full of dangerous pottery, art, and malevolent dead people. Pepe knows his priorities.

Of course one of the immediate targets of an Islamist Militant revolution would be, as it was in Iran, and Afghanistan, all that glorious evidence of a glorious past far more full of glory than any of the crap Momo's minions brought. The stuff of a soon to be jolly great and glorious bonfire to cleanse the world of anything uncongenial to the mindlessness of the minions.

Perhaps time to salvage what is possible before the physical trace of Old Egypt delenda est


Mr roT said...

I just checked into a hotel in Innsbruck. This was playing in the lobby.

The US has done worse in bringing this garbage to sacred places than the idiots looting museums will.

Tecumseh said...

Soulda brought them mummies here.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Just like Herr Rott Von Wien to take the existence of bad taste as a deeper crime than the destruction of the memory of a great civilization.
Europa is all about having the proper perspective.

Mr roT said...

The great civilizations everywhere are being buried in American muck.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yeah, right.

Pepeana welcomes Ye.

Mr roT said...

Just awoke to churchbells in Innsbruck. Beautiful.

Only a matter of time before the Cambridge Gay Choir sing their rap version of the Bach Mass.