Monday, January 31, 2011

Lang Langing and Da Obama King

Derb breaks away from his usual sea of gloom to remind us that we are led by a cringing cretin who can't begin to recognize a self-respecting love of country when the world is so full of so much delicious shit to be licked off of foreign boots.
Which really brightens the gloom.


Tecumseh said...

When Richard Nixon made his celebrated 1972 opening-up visit to China, he was obliged to sit through a performance of the “revolutionary ballet” Red Detachment of Women.

If the president of the United States pays a state visit to Romania, he will be entertained by a Romanian folk-dance troupe. It would be thought odd if his hosts brought in an American to do a Martha Graham routine.

Where is the "Romanian proverbs" label?

Arelcao Akleos said...

ah, good point