Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pinko crackup alla grande!

I just wonder how Tecs' crackup will progress....
Lane asks how long the New Yorker can hold out. Ans: How long has the Atlantic held onto Andrew Sullivan?


Tecumseh said...

Standard pinko drivel. Jared sounds saner to me.

Tecumseh said...

What I find bizarre about Hersh's latest iteration is how blatantly it flies in the face of the tragic facts about Christianity in Iraq since the U.S. invasion. Specifically, and as reported just two days ago in the New York Times, Iraq's Christian population has plunged: by about half since March 2003.

Far from securing the Middle East for Christians, the U.S. has done little or nothing to stem or reverse the exodus, which is due in large part to harassment and violence by Muslim extremists.

Pissing up a rope. As I said, trying to argue with someone like Chomsky is like trying to discuss the fine points of grammar or Aristotelian logic with Jared.

BTW, the guy still teaches? Can you imagine sitting in a class for a semester listening to the guy perorate? I'd rather watch the grass grow.

Tecumseh said...

Yes, indeed: a Mr Alz moment: I mistook Hersh for Chomsky. Minsk, Pinsk. I won't pay up!

Mr roT said...

Duh, you won't pay up. Tecsian logic:

For all A => Tecs won't pay.

It's about like OJ's shyster.

Tecumseh said...

If the tab don't fit, don't pay. Rhyme doesn't quite work, but you get the gist of it.