Saturday, January 29, 2011

Kraut de Voorhees VII?


Arelcao Akleos said...

It's simple enough. Krauthammer has gotten very comfortable in his Versailles digs. The raw stench of peasantry doing peasanty things now makes him yearn to remain ensconced in the perfumeries and salons of the court of the current Roi Soleil. He struggles to suppress those moments of worldly lucidity which only serve to uncomfortably remind him of exactly how much he enjoys his current sup; and of how oh so much he wants to die at an incredibly old age with a silver spoon full of that sup. All to the apparently sweet music that is the approval of the chattering crowd.

Kraut is the McCain of "Conservative" thought. He's better than a Brooks, but then so was McCain better than a Specter

Mr roT said...

When the right goes overboard, there's no one left to admire but Pat Buchanan.

Remember, Tecs?

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

When the right goes overboard, there's no one left to admire but Pat Buchanan.

Standard Rotter Logick. Should frame it and hang it over the fireplace.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The "extreme" Tea Party is simply the renaissance of the Reagan movement. The House of Bush, its Brooksian court clowns, its Rovian consiglieres, its McCainish foremen, are simply the same old Rockefeller-Bush GOP that have fucked up everything worthwhile they come near.
Give the Tories a Tejas twang and Rotter goes Pavlov doggie in his salivation. Stimulus, response, at the ring of a bell.

Mr roT said...

Reagan was a crock too.

Mr roT said...

The government grew. Period.

Tecumseh said...

Herr Rot, Herr Rot. Think before you write.