Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fear and loathing in Pepea

Could be worth pulling for Perry just to see Pepe have a conniption fit.


Tecumseh said...

“(1) Romney made his political career out of his ‘close’ 17-point loss to Ted Kennedy. But keep in mind that to only lose by 17, he spent $7M of his own money. But more importantly, this was the 1994 midterm election—so he got blown out during the biggest Republican wave in half a century…

“(3) It’s funny that Romney’s line of attack on Perry seems to be that Perry is a ‘career politician’ because he’s been in elective office since 1984. Well, Mitt Romney would have been a career politician too, if only voters would have let him. He’s been running since 1994. His real gripe about Perry is actually, ‘Hey, that guy wins all the time! No fair!’…

Uh, oh.

Tecumseh said...

Minsk, Pinsk.

Tecumseh said...

Counterpoint: Standard "Rwn's pull for pinkos" story.

Tecumseh said...

What's the Venn diagram?

Mr roT said...

Romney = \emptyset.

Tecumseh said...

An oxymoron. Indeed, if you define Romney=\{people who support Romney\}, then Romney\in \{Romney\}. Ergo, Romney \ne \emptyset.

Add VCP. To the Tab.

Mr roT said...

{\rm meas}(Romney) = 0