Friday, August 26, 2011

Of course, Mr Rot didn't vote for Ronnie


Tecumseh said...

The Godfather of the neo-Keynesians, Paul Samuelson, was the lead critic of the supposed follies of Reaganomics. He wrote in a 1980 Newsweek column that to slay the inflation monster would take "five to ten years of austerity," with unemployment of 8% or 9% and real output of "barely 1 or 2 percent." Reaganomics was routinely ridiculed in the media, especially in the 1982 recession. That was the year MIT economist Lester Thurow famously said, "The engines of economic growth have shut down here and across the globe, and they are likely to stay that way for years to come."

These guys sound like Pepe, blogging here. But of course, they had a bit of an excuse, bloviating as they did almost 30 years ago. What's Pepe's excuse? Too much caviar and pink champagne hampering the odd neuron from firing?

Mr roT said...

Reagan piled up gigantic deficits, Tecs.

David Stockman's the guy.

Tecumseh said...

His deficits were minuscule when compared to the trillions being burned nowadays. And he kick-started the mighty US economic engine, while spending the Soviets into oblivion. (To make Pepe crap his pants and sputter incoherently.) What purpose did those trillions thrown down the hole in the past few achieve?

Mr roT said...

Of course zilch. Not even the Rev. Wright is happy.

But, of course, if Reagan hadn't been quite such a compassionate conservative, perhaps there would be a bit more steel in the American spine.

Now we're indistinguishable from the groveling admirers of technocrats like the chickenshit Euros.

Balls are suspect in this world. Read your Peggy Noonan for the proof.

The Darkroom said...

Your buddies opining on 'Obanomics'.

More here.

Mr roT said...

Cato's talking about 2009. TNR is for pinkos.

The Darkroom said...

what were you saying in 2009 ?
ad hominem.

Tecumseh said...

Pepe dredging articles from November 2009 to buttress the worn-out "it's al Bush's fault" meme? Jeepers.

But let's cut Pepe some slack. He's been out of it (eating all that caviar and drinking all that pink champagne) that he's rusty, and has lost track of reality. Maybe some hearty gros rouge will help him get back in shape? Herr Rot, it's up to you to suggest some appropriate red for a Red.

The Darkroom said...

I'll take a decent rouge over any champagne any day of the week - thanks.

Mr roT said...

I was saying in 2009 that W had to buy off the viejitos in Florida with free prescriptions so that he wouldn't lose and thus hand the wars to Kerry to handle.

W losing the WH and thus the US losing the wars, whether they were just or not, would have been a gigantic catastrophe that even the present SCROTUS has sensed.

It was not at all clear to me that Kerry-Edwards (LOL) had figured that out.

I would rather that W had been a real fiscal conservative, as I would rather that Reagan had been one. Still, they were the lesser of four evils, certainly, and on several levels, as Obama has shown.

Mr roT said...

Decent rouge over champagne?

Jeez, man, you're screwed up. It's hot out here. I want cold and bubbly right now with my artichoke pizza.

You can dive into your Bourguignonne all you want. Soak your balls in ice though.

The Darkroom said...

You're hot ? Have a Juliénas or a Morgon (and save a ton of cash).

Tecumseh said...

Agua caliente is the cheapest and most effective way to cool off. Works wonders on your balls, too.

Mr roT said...

I ain't drinkin no beaujolais, man.

Tears my ass up too bad.

The Darkroom said...

Beaujolais ain't beaujolais nouveau, hombre. Far better for your ass (not to mention tomorrow's headache) in the summer heat than rosé de Provence.

Mr roT said...

I wouldn't drink either of those vinos de maricón. Reds should be thick and should be drunk when it's cool or cold out. In the summer, champagne and (some, very few) whites, or beer.

Tecumseh said...

So when do you drink tsuica?

Mr roT said...

When I am at your house. Duh. But you never invite anyone except big shorts...