Thursday, August 25, 2011

Global warming causes Tecs to say DWI=genocide


Tecumseh said...

DWI by itself is not the same as killing someone while DWI. But such subtle nuances are way beyond Rotter Logick.

Mr roT said...

True, but an accident while DWI is more similar to an accident sober + DWI, neither of which is a serious crime.

Mr roT said...

BTW< thread-bleed is payable by VCP, and I hope to get good and drunk.

When you inviting me to Boswamp?

Tecumseh said...

Despite your repeated attempts at whitewashing this crime, this was not a mere "accident". Running a red light and hitting the man on his bike was an accident, I assume. But driving for another quarter mile while dragging the man still on his bike, a man who was screaming for his life, then stopping, backing up over that man to kill him, and running away from the incoming cops, then finally shrugging lik nothing happened when informed by those cops that he had just killed a man -- all that is an "accident"?

Mr roT said...

...backing up over that man to kill him...

Prove it.

Arelcao Akleos said...

That's what they'll do in a court of law. That is what the witnesses saw. And if the bastard had been deported the first time he was caught breaking the law then the poor bastard he killed wouldn't have been crunched to death at the third swing of the bat.

Mr roT said...

And if Teddy had been in Dealy Plaza instead, Mary Jo would be alive today.

Tecumseh said...

First of all, it's Dealey Plaza. And second, what the hell does the shooting of JFK in 1963, or big fat Teddy K leaving Mary Jo to die in his car after driving off a bridge in 1968 have to do with any of this? Only in Rotter Logick.

Mr roT said...

Teddy had a motive.