Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tecs' candidate a Dem quisling. Shocka.

Tecs' fruity Gov unites the GOPers exactly as Obama does. Redux, anyone?

Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain found the Massachusetts governor privileged, inauthentic and awkward, according to people involved in the race. Even Fred Thompson, a late entrant, made his disdain for Romney clear.
In the 2007 run-up, the hate “was obvious, and it’s real, and it’s there and it’s palpable,” said one Republican operative involved in the 2008 cycle. “I do see it potentially developing this time here, too.”
The debates were get-Mitt forums where the hostility was on open display, with Huckabee, McCain and Giuliani all taking turns aiming barbs at Romney.
“There was a lot of social action between the candidates themselves, not just the staff, again, except for Gov. Romney’s campaign,” he said. “They were always the one at the end of the hall that had the door locked. I would say that in the scheme of the debates, they were playing the role of the Cool Kids.”


Tecumseh said...

As usual, Herr Rot, you get into the low-brow, People-level style of political discussion, where the only thing that counts is personal bs, atmospherics, swagger vs non-swagger, that sort of nonsense, which to me is nearly immaterial.

But when I tried to draw you into a more-or-less serious discussion of a substantive issue (Perry's stance regarding Gates' killing of the Raptor), you just blew it off with your patented dodges and attendant nonsense.

So back to which candidate is "real" and which one is not. Bohhhring.

Mr roT said...

It's all about character, always, Tecs.

Of course you secularized pinkos don't get it and call us southrons a bunch of Bible-thumpin' yahoos, but character, faith and belief matter more than some technocratic babble about Keynes or Hayek.

What's of course funniest is when you Reaganites believe that Ronnie must've been some kind of genius, intuitively catching the subtleties of the Martingales of the Dow.

In fact, he understood a simple Lagrangean and screwed up only a little compared to the rest.

Mr roT said...

While I am at it, may we recall that you admire de Gaulle because he was tall?

What do you think of Justin Beeber?