Sunday, August 28, 2011

A winning campaign slogan: it's all a Ponzi scheme

I mean, sure, to a large extent--especially if we keep on spending like drunken sailors, and not producing much. But, but--is this the way to win in 2012?


Mr roT said...

It's probably the way for the GOP to win, but perhaps not Perry himself. He is doing the party and the country a great service by being blunt while others prattle on about unhelpfulness and destabilization.

The latter approach makes it sound like no biggie, we've gotten through this before...

It's a double win as far as I can see. I would rather that Romney head the ticket so that the GOP has the best chance of winning, but I would hate for him to govern like the loser RINO pinko Massachusetts retard with no beliefs or character that he is.

If Perry is falling on his sword for the principles, then he's a hero. If he can maneuver himself into the VP slot, then he's brilliant too. If he gets himself nominated, then hubris has taken over and the election will be needlessly close or lost.

Mr roT said...

Reynolds on topic.

Tecumseh said...

Rot fires off a letter to the editor.

Mr roT said...

There's irony on the Cape? I thought just sodomy.

Tecumseh said...

Sandwich =/= P-town. But x=x.

Tecumseh said...

Mr Rot thinks positive: “This is like judging [baseball star] David Ortiz as a failed athlete because he’s never scored a touchdown,” said Democratic Texas state Rep. Mike Villarreal, alluding to the Perry-is-dull charge. “He’s a focused, committed and skilled political animal. He wins elections. Do not underestimate him.”