Sunday, October 16, 2011

Democrat thuggery predictions come true!

And on-cue we have two national parties headed by Nancy Pelosi.


Tecumseh said...

Title link: Yes, they do. And Rot salivates at the prospect. Not only that, he adds fuel to the fire, by constantly vilifying and demonizing a top GOP candidate. What's the difference between you and OWS or this, Herr Rott? Not much daylight there.

Second link: I posted this yesterday, and we had a long discussion of the topic. Especially with AA, who knows how to talk rationally about things. But also you, in the typical manner which I described just above. That manner, being so devoid of thought, you evidently already forgot all about it.

Par for the course.

Mr roT said...

Come get a cookie, champion.

It will go down nice with the country headed by Romney.